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Dog Vaccinations and Health Details

vaccinations & health

At the Dog Ranch we prioritize the health and safety of all our canine guests. 

To ensure a healthy environment we require that all dogs staying with us are in good health and have the required updated vaccinations below.

We provide a full-body health check on all dogs upon their arrival for boarding, and every 4 days thereafter.

Vaccination paperwork can be sent to [email protected] or uploaded via your Customer Portal.

Special Considerations:

• We welcome senior dogs who are mobile and can walk outside. They will be placed on our “geriatric schedule” and enjoy time outdoors on artificial turf and the flatter forest trails.
Please note: We cannot accept incontinent senior dogs.

• Un-neutered and un-spayed puppies and adolescents are welcome on a case-by-case basis, give us call to discuss at (604) 947-6965.

Mandatory Vaccinations

Bordetella (for Kennel Cough):

Dogs staying with us must receive the Bordetella vaccine annually. If your dog is overdue for Bordetella they must receive a booster 72 hours before arrival (5–7 days is preferred). The injectable version takes 10 days for full protection. The intranasal version takes 5 days.
Please note: Bordetella does not guarantee immunity from all strains, but it typically reduces severity.

DHLPP (Distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza virus):

Updated every 1–3 years (depending on your vet). We accept Titer tests for DHPP, updated annually.


Required every 1–3 years (depending on your vet). Senior dogs may be exempt from rabies vaccination if medically sensitive.

Other Health Details

In the event of a medical emergency, our staff will attempt to contact you or your emergency contact immediately. If we are unable to reach you and veterinary care is required, we will use our best judgment to take your dog to Bowen Veterinary Services hospital. If Bowen Vet is unavailable, your dog will be transported by ferry to Caulfield Veterinary Hospital in West Vancouver or the nearest available clinic.

For after-hour emergencies, we will take your dog to the nearest available emergency vet hospital on the mainland. If no staff are available to drive your dog, we will do our best to arrange with Bowen’s 24-hour water taxi service and a mainland pet taxi service.

On the initial application form, we ask if you have pet insurance. If not, please specify the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for veterinary care.

This information is crucial in case we are unable to contact you before a medical emergency. It will guide both the Dog Ranch staff and the veterinarian in making important decisions on your behalf. We recommend a minimum of $1,000 for vet care.

Additionally, please provide an emergency contact who is not traveling with you. We will consult with them if needed.

We accept un-neutered or un-spayed dogs for boarding and board & train on a case-by-case basis. Please inform us of the timing of your female dog’s heat cycle.

We recommend waiting until your vet advises the optimal time for spaying or neutering your dog. If your puppy is spayed or neutered, they can board after their third set of vaccinations or 16-week booster, given at least 2 weeks before arrival. Please note, puppies may still be susceptible to illness, and full immunity is not guaranteed until one week after the final boosters (around 4-5 months of age).

All dogs must be free from any condition that could jeopardize other guests. Dogs who have been ill within the last 30 days must provide a Veterinarian’s certification of health to be admitted or readmitted.

All dogs must be free from fleas and ticks and on a prevention regimen. We accept both oral and topical preventatives. Accepted options include:

Oral: Capstar, Comfortis, Trifexis, Sentinel, Bravecto, Nexguard

Topical: Advantix II, Advantage II, Revolution, Frontlineplus, FiproGuard, FiproGuard MAX, PetArmor, PetArmor Plus

We can administer pills, liquids, and subcutaneous injections. Please provide clear instructions in the original packaging from your vet or pharmacy.

Prepare the pills (e.g., breaking them in half if needed), and let us know what time of day you give the meds, and how you give them (ie: in their food, in a pill pocket, orally by hand etc).

We maintain a daily record of medication given.

Please also inform us of the condition the medication is treating by calling or emailing ahead of your dog’s arrival. Additional care, such as bandaging, wound cleaning, or ointment application, may also be provided and a daily or one-time surcharge may apply at the discretion of Bowen Island Dog Ranch.

We conduct a full-body health assessment on every dog upon arrival and every 4 days thereafter. We check for common issues such as ear and eye problems and will inform you of any concerns. If an issue persists (e.g., infection, limp, hot spot), we’ll contact you and may consult a vet. A daily health journal is maintained.

We are committed to providing the care needed for a happy, healthy, and safe stay. If your dog requires specialized handling or has extraordinary medical needs, a daily or one-time surcharge may apply at the discretion of Bowen Island Dog Ranch. Please read about the special requirements surcharge.

City & Bowen Shuttle Transportation

We make it easy to transport your Pup to the Dog Ranch with one of our three city shuttle options.

Prepare Your Pup

For Their Visit

In order to keep your pup happy, healthy and safe with us, please read this important information.

Boarding School for

Your Dog Works!

Board and Train is shaped around an essential truth: a properly trained dog is a happier dog.

We are dedicated to ensuring every dog receives the attention and care it needs for a happy, healthy, and safe stay with us.

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